Hi all readers out there,
For a start, MLB nak share information and opinion why u allz should try shopping secara online. Internet dunia tanpa sempadan betul tak, MACAM-MACAM ADA!! :) Tak hairan jika u allz leh jumpa macam-macam masa online and lot of things you can buy during online. MLB refer pada article TheStar Online April 2011, Malaysians showed rising trend of online shopping, RM1.8bil spent 2010
(one of the reason MLB bukak store online thihihihihi...) It's an upcoming trend to shop right from your home (if u online from home, basically u can online kat mana-mana pun skang nih.. oopss kat office tu jgn over ye time keja kita keja..), nak tau kenapa u patut try online shopping?
It is totally
convenient. Bayangkan duduk rumah je.. bukak internet search for your desired product, tak perlu start enjin keta and go to shopping complex bersesak-sesak. On the way dah cukup tension sebab keta banyak and jalan jam betul tak? sampai plak kt shopping kompleks bersesak-sesak and in the end migrain..huhuhuhuhu.. pasal bini/ laki/ anak/ girlfriend/boyfrien/ sapa2 saja yg shopping dgn kita 5 kali masuk fitting room cuba baju..huahuahua... Yes I agree, kita tak dapat pegang and try stuff that we bought online, but as u browse through, u'll see and realize some stuff yang dijual ada details information (size, ukuran, material) even very specific picture before you decide to buy. some site also provide customer testimonial and lots of opinion you can get prior buying the stuff.
Minyak oh minyak.. substantial price of gas!! shopping online membolehkan u allz
jimat minyak keta..save ur gas dear. Another awesome approach ke arah berjimat cermat, great way to save money!!! Dahla gi keja hari2 kalau naik keta pun spend a bulk untuk minyak keta.. mau klu yg jenis suka shopping.. spend every weekend shopping, gerak dari satu shopping kompleks ke satu shopping kompleks.. laju je tank minyak kosong..huhuhuhu.. tidak dengan online shopping.. hanya klik sana, klik sini, kita dah visit banyak online shop.. adapun yang penat dan kebas hanyalah jari jemari kita...dan mata sebab dok lama sgt belek stuff online.. (berpada-pada la ye readers.. jgnle online 24 jam..)
Variety, wider choices and u can select exactly what u want.. dengan trend yang ada skang.. banyak online store yang u allz bleh visit dari yang besar ke kecik, international ke local (support local!!! hehheheehe), Ebay, Amazon, Mudah antara nama2 online store yang famous,
mumslittlebiz (MLB) plak online store yang baru nk berkembang..:P..(tolong support ye...), KUASA MEMBELI DI TANGAN ANDA.. u can always choose, browse and hop from site to site to look for the exact product you desired. U can always make smart choice provided u do some checking tak kira la cmne, on referral ke forum ke pasal product yang nak dibeli.. sama je macam offline shopping.. kita kena ada maklumat klu nk beli sesuatu betul tak.. In addition, klu kat tempat kita tu susah nak access to stuff yang kita nak takkan kita nk travel jauh semata-mata untuk mendapatkannya.. the answer is online shops, pilih2.. banyak shops leh visit..
Dengan melayari internet.. "Yang jauh kita dekatkan.. yang tak kenal, kita kenalkan.. yang tak mesra.. kita mesra2kan.." yang tak dapat kat kedai sebelah rumah, kita cari and dapatkan...:) "
Its ur choice actually, terpulang kepada selera masing-masing.. kalau jenis yang suka crowded and like to feel the rush of bershopping beramai-ramai, sales kat shopping kompleks will give you that for sure.. but i believe sometimes u'll feel the need to shop peacefully and at your own pace.. online shopping can give you that. However, "online security was among the top concerns for online shoppers with seven out of 10 shoppers willing to spend more online if safety measures were increased "(study commissioned by Paypal - refer TheStar Online).
Well.. MLB akan cuba cari tips lagi pasal how to secure your online shopping etc, maybe carik tips pasal how to prevent mistakes during online shopping, how to shop safely dan pelbagai info and tips yang boleh dikongsi bersama readers sekalian..More info and tips to come..tunggu....